Help our neighbor
**Look for opportunities for people with IDD to help now!**​
Help families get food they need
From Little Free Pantries, to home delivery, work with Margot to help KACS get food on the table of struggling families in Kennett. ***
Help Kennett's children get books to read
Together with
Join Margot in helping to help maintain AHHAH's Pop Up Lending Libraries (PULLs) scattered across Southern Chester County. Click here to read how she does it!
Label donated books
Each book donated gets an AHHAH label. Over the past year, Margot and students from CCIU's Transitional Living Program have helped to label books.
Opportunities available Click here to learn more
Catalogue donated books
We now house AHHAH's books for various sites, and will explore if tracking the number and kind of books taken from PULLs could help in future planning - check back later!
Re-stock Kennett's 13 PULLs
Margot now restocks all 13 of the PULLs in the Borough of Kennett Square at least monthly, and often by pulling a handcart of using her adapted cargo bike - read more here.
Help Kennett families get food they need
Together with
Bag needed items
One of the ways that KACS can distribute so much food so efficiently (more than 800,000 lbs last year) is by buying items in bulk and re-packaging them into family-sized quantities. Margot does her part of helping to break down large bags of rice into 1lb bags - 1000lbs and counting! She also helps to prepare 2lb bags of potatoes and onions, and now helps to assemble a healthy recipe option we created, consisting of organic oatmeal, seeds and raisins. Opportunities available Click here to learn more
Restock the Little Free Pantries
One of the ways that KACS makes food freely available is through Little Free Pantries (3 of which are in Kennett). Each Pantry is stocked with a wide variety of snack and meal options - from cereal to soup to rice to beans to noodles... you name it! These pantries are restocked every weekday, and Margot has been restocking 2 of these pantries (at the Kennett YMCA and the Church of the Advent once a week for more than 18 months, sometimes using her adapted electric cargo bike.
Deliver food directly to families
KACS also delivers food on a monthly schedule to scores of households across the region. For example, KACS does door-to-door deliveries to almost 60 individual households. We have begun to help here, dropping off a healthy supply of fresh and canned goods to 2 households in Kennett. KACS also distributes food monthly to seniors at local centers, and we will soon begin to help with deliveries to almost 2 dozen households at the Red Clay Manor. Check back later for updates!
Prepare emergency boxes
KACS also offers a range of emergency assistance services, including emergency housing, food, and financial support. In addition to food shoppers can select at KACS, can take from a Little Free Pantry, or receive via a monthly delivery, KACS also provides prepackaged boxes via The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). TEFAPs provide food quickly and easily to families in need. Margot has begun to help pack TEFAP boxes at KACS. Check back later for updates!